Page 3 - 2018_Book
P. 3

As i continue my journey and step into 2018, first and foremost i wish to express my gratitude

    to Almighty God who chose me to be one amongst his many hands which reach out to the needy
    and uplift the underprivileged.

             My gratitude is also towards  all the generous donors whose support and faith means a lot to
    me. No service can be completed singlehandedly , so I extend my sincere thanks to all my

    supporters , well wishers and friends who walk  this journey with me and helped me execute the
    projects.For the knowledge and benefit of all  who are part of this journey I have come up with /
    published  this photo book to update the projects and programs undertaken by me and its impact

    on society in general and beneficiaries in particular.

            With the intention that many may get inspired . I am a firm follower of the Karma and Moksha

    philosophy of life and believe that doing good in society can start early in ones life . There is no
    good  time  than  NOW!Your  suggestion  and  innovative  ideas  are  always  welcome.Seek  your

    blessings and encouragement to carry on with this joyful journey

                                                                                                  Hemang Jangla
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