Page 3 - 2019_Book
P. 3

2019.. and my journey continues, taking me across places and situations . I let myself
       fully and consciously experience each day as it came ,taking note and adding to my life
       journey.  Many  more  joined  hands  in  helping  and  supporting  to  reach  out  to  the
       needy in society.

            At the same time important changes were taking place, my responsibility as guide and
       mentor was charted out.God almighty has plans for me, he was guiding me and leading me
       towards something more. My interaction with people ,challenged with needs, made me

       more grateful. The joy on  the faces of some the sadness on some and the helplessness of
       some brought out the difference of the society.

            I move ahead to try and be there reaching out  to as many as possible and spread some
       joy, with devotion and honest intentions. Once again I very humbly thank God and all the
       generous donors who strengthen my hands.

                                                                                                 Hemang Jangla
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